OWL Trusted Partner Solutions, Inc. | How to Find and Hire a Customer Support Specialist in 2024

Make customer satisfaction your top priority, and hire a professional customer support specialist. Here is everything you need to know about hiring one!

In this blog, we will discuss:

  • What are the responsibilities of a Customer Support Specialist?
  • Why do you need a Customer Support Specialist?
  • What are the benefits of having a Customer Support Specialist?
  • How can we help you find and hire a Customer Support Specialist?
  • How much can you save by hiring a remote Customer Support Specialist?
  • Hire a professional Customer Support Specialist with OWL TPS.

Making a customer happy is the best business strategy of all.

Robust customer support is the key to building customer loyalty and connection. As per a survey conducted by Khoros, 83% of the customers agreed that they are more loyal to a brand that swiftly responds and resolves their complaints.

So, if you want to become a business that listens to its customers and maintains long-lasting relationships with them, hire a customer support specialist!

Here is how a customer support specialist can become the voice of your brand, ensuring your customers are heard:

What are the Responsibilities of a Customer Support Specialist?

A customer support specialist is responsible for providing excellent customer service to your customers, which includes answering customer queries, resolving complaints, and ensuring that customers have the best experience possible. The ideal candidate will be experienced, highly organized, and possess exceptional communication skills.

To give you more insights into the job description of a customer support specialist, let’s have a look at their day-to-day responsibilities.

Resolve Customer Queries and Complaints

Customers can reach out to a brand for multiple reasons, and customer support specialists are their first point of contact. They might be unsatisfied with your service/product or require assistance regarding your products and services.

Your customer support representative will be required to:

  • Provide details about products or services
  • Explaining certain aspects of your services in detail
  • Give a thorough step-by-step guide on how to use a product
  • Politely asking for customer feedback

As a representative of your company, a customer support specialist will deal with all inquiries professionally and ensure customer satisfaction at all times.

Technical Support Specialist

Your customer support specialist is a frontline representative of your brand and is responsible for shaping initial consumer perception of your brand, product, and services, especially if your business is new.

Therefore, it is crucial that they know about the technical aspects of your product/service by heart and can explain it to your potential customers with authority.

Additionally, representatives with strong technical backgrounds are better suited to help customers troubleshoot problems, provide in-depth guidance, and escalate customer complaints to the relevant department.

Managing Customer Orders

Remote customer service agents are versatile and are capable of handling multiple tasks, which also include processing and handling customer orders.

They are experts when it comes to fulfilling and keeping track of orders because they are familiar with cutting-edge tracking and management systems, ensuring a better post-purchase experience.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Order fulfillment
  • Sales tracking
  • Customer support
  • Sending confirmation emails

Be Aware of Customer Perception

A good customer support agent needs to have empathy in order to better understand customer problems and provide an effective solution. In addition, your customer service representative should also be aware of public sentiments about your company and should be aware of the following:

  • What do your target audience think about your company?
  • What do they like most about the brand?
  • What aspects of the product or service they don’t like?
  • What are the concerns that are popular among the customers?

This insightful data can significantly help the marketing and product development teams to develop effective marketing campaigns and launch relevant products and services in the future.  

Multi-Channel Social Media Support

It takes months to find a customer but a second to lose one. That is why customer satisfaction is the key to running a profitable business. A well-trained customer support agent is necessary for every company looking to build a positive brand image and retain customers.

Here are some of the reasons why you need a customer support specialist on your team:

Why Do You Need a Customer Support Specialist?

Third-party contractors are usually more enthusiastic and motivated to provide exceptional services than your in-house employees.

This is because the growth of outsourcing firms depends on your success and referrals; therefore, they are always dedicated to bringing satisfactory results for your business.

We always recommend giving your outsourcing partners realistic goals and paying them well for their sincere efforts.

Customer Retention

Every customer out there is looking for a good experience, which you can offer them by having a supportive customer support agent by your side. It is a fact the happy customers are likely to return and become your loyal customers, leading to your business growth.

Moreover, providing seamless customer support is the best way to increase Customer lifetime value (CLV). CLV represents the total amount of revenue you generate from a single customer over time.

Increased CLV indicates that your business has the potential to grow without heavily investing in the marketing efforts, which means higher customer retention and satisfaction and organic revenue through referrals.

Positive Word-of-Mouth

Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur, once said, “One customer well taken care of could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.”

Generating referrals from positive word-of-mouth is actually the least expensive advertising. One satisfied customer has the ability to create a chain effect that can get you a lot of business in no time.

Just take the example of a person who was so impressed with your after-sales support that he went all the way and posted it on his social media handles with more than a thousand active followers.

Now, let’s say that if even one percent of the followers feel inspired to buy your product, you could potentially gain ten new customers organically.

Competitive Edge

A responsive and supportive customer service sets you apart from the rest. By providing top-notch customer support, you win new customers, retain the old ones, and successfully convey your company values,

This consistent communication between your customer support and customers creates a positive persona of your brand, leading to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals.

How Can We Help You Find and Hire a Customer Support Specialist?

Hunting for a customer support specialist who aligns with your business goals and budget can be time-consuming if you try to do it on your own. At OWL TPS, we empower companies like yours to find the best match and streamline the hiring process so you can onboard your remote customer care specialist as soon as possible.

Here is our step-by-step process for helping you find the best customer support team member in your given budget:

Step One: First We Get to Know Your Business

The key to finding a suitable talent is to know about the nature of the business.

Customer support has a vast scope of the field, and to be able to suggest fitting profiles, we require the following information from your side:

  • Details about the job role
  • Responsibilities to be fulfilled
  • Required qualifications of the candidates

Step Two: We’ll Start Our Search to Find the Best possible Match

Once we have understood the nature of your business and the responsibilities for the role, we will get in touch with you to learn about the customer specialist position.

After having a thorough understanding of your requirements, our hiring managers will look for professionals who meet your demands. To ensure quality control, we have a strong screening test in place before shortlisting potential candidates.

Step Three: We Will Share Profiles of Shortlisted Candidates

‍After selecting the potential candidates that match your job description, we will send the list to you. Once you have selected your favorite profiles, we will align interviews by coordinating with the shortlisted candidates.

Step Four: Welcome Your New Customer Support Specialist to the Team

Once the selection process is completed and you have selected your best-suited customer support specialist, we will fully transition all the relationship matters to you.

Then, you can begin the onboarding process and start delegating tasks to your newly appointed external customer support specialist.

Are You Ready to Hire a Professional Customer Support Specialist?

If you are looking to attract new customers while retaining the old ones, hiring a reliable and competent customer support specialist is going to be your best bet!

At OWL TPS, our customer support services empower your business to leverage the full potential of an expert resource, enabling you to improve customer retention and satisfaction, product experience, and overall marketing efforts.

Get in touch with us now and find a new customer care specialist who really cares for your customers and your business!

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